Subscribed E-resources Databases
Monthly Archive: July 2021
E-resources Databases
Tharaka University Library has subscribed to E-resources databases, journal and open access resources for enhancing and promoting research for both students and staff. The Resources have been sort into groups to help the researcher narrow down the right materials fortheir information need:
1. E-resources {A-Z E-resources}
2. Open Acess resources
3. Categorised resources {E-journals, E-books, and Open access}
4. E-resources sort by discipline {Field of study}
Digital Institutional Repository
Tharaka University Repository is an archive digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. Repositories are important tools for preserving an organization’s legacy;they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication. once on the repository home use browse the different communities to access variety of content and materials. click here for a detailed guide on how to access the institutional Repository.